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Parents, Your Millennial Kid’s Love Life is None of Your Business
No one wants to see their kid be alone, but what if they’re not interested in romantic love or want many loves?
Your kid’s in their late 20s. Maybe flirting with their 30s. You know, millennials. They’re forging ahead in their career or graduate school or basically anything else that seems to indicate they are on a path toward self-sufficiency (and what parent doesn’t want to see them nail that?) and a meaningful life. They’re adulting! There’s just one thing — they’re still single, not dating, potentially not even having sex and, truth be told, haven’t had a romantic relationship in years and don’t seem to care. As a parent, what do you do?
Can we just agree that we do nothing?
And yet …
Not too long ago, I was part of a conversation about our millennial children. A (very) few had tied the knot but many were unattached, and there was parental fretting.
Not necessarily because their child wasn’t having sex — although that’s a thing — but more that their child wasn’t even dating, let alone romantically partnered.